Installing the plugin depends on the targeted version of JIRA. See the sections below for installation instructions for the supported major JIRA versions.

Note: for all versions there is a one post-installation task needed - for detailed instructions see the the post-install section below.

JIRA 4.x

To install the plugin into JIRA 4.x, download the plugin manually from the Atlassian marketplace and store it locally on your computer.

Next enter the JIRA administration UI by selecting Administration in the upper right of the JIRA title bar.

Now select the Plugins / Plugins menu from the menu bar and change to the Install tab. Then click on the Upload Plugin link, select the downloaded file and click the Upload button.

After successful installation click on the Configure link in the plugin details section. This will show a page with post-installation instructions (sorry about the bad layout, I'm working on a fix for the next version).

When done click on the JIRA Service Integration plugin configuration page link to start configuration of the plugin.

JIRA 5.x

JIRA 5.x allows installing marketplace plugins directly from the UPM interface.


After installation you need to add an entry to the file located in the JIRA_HOME directory.

The entry consists of a property named and must be set to a password which is used to encrypt the account passwords entered on the server configuration page when stored in the JIRA database.


  1. a restart of JIRA is not needed to activate the usage of this property - just add it to the file and continue to configure the servers.
  2. Changing this password by modifying the file manually will render the stored passwords unusable - all stored server accounts will have to be re-encrypted. This is a known inconvenience - I'm currently working on a solution to be published in due time.
  3. Related to 2. above, I'm also currently working on a more convenient solution by allowing configuration of this property directly from the post-install and/or the server configuration screen.