The plugin allows configuration at two locations:

Server Configuration

The server configuration page is accessible via the Plugins/Servers menu item in the Service Integration section in the JIRA administration UI. This item is shown in the menu bar on top or in the sidebar left, depending on the JIRA version you use.

The server configuration page enables a JIRA administrator to configure all the servers to be used in subsequent postfunction configurations.

The screenshot below shows an example of a server configuration with one server definition:

no server configuration screenshot available

The Server Name field expects a unique name for the server to contact.

The Server Type field allows to select a predefined server type. Predefined server types are:

  • Jenkins/Hudson: a Jenkins/Hudson server
  • Bamboo: a Bamboo server
  • Webservice: an arbitrary webservice

The Server Base URL field expects the base URL to use when contacting the server. This URL should contain anything (protocol, server name, port and eventually relative parts) to be used to construct an URL to call a service.

The Default user and Default user password fields should receive the credentials needed to access a service on the given server. The password will be stored in the JIRA database, encrypted with the master password entered when installing the plugin.

New server entries may be added by clicking the Add Server button - the Delete Server button on the right side of each server entry allows to delete a server entry.

Postfunction Configuration

The postfunction configuration page will appear whenever the postfunction Call a service is added to a transition and allows the entry of various settings related to its execution.

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The Server Name select lets the user select the server to call. This selection defines the base URL to use when constructing the final URL for the call.

The Service Name field takes the name of a build job (Jenkins/Hudson or Bamboo) or the name of a service to call. This is normally part of the final URL.

The Success Transition and Failure Transition fields are optional. These field are passed as parameters in the service call and may be used in a callback to JIRA when the job finished.

The transition parameter fields expect an ID of a transition to be executed when the job completed. It's on the backlog to change the input fields to select boxes for easy selection of allowed transitions.

Custom parameters are passed as additional URL parameters in the service call. They are used by the called service. Parameters of type Text pass their value in the call - parameters of type Field pass the value of the field they name.

New parameters may be added by clicking the Add Parameter button - the Delete parameter button on the right side of each entry allows to delete a parameter.